g'day melbourne

so i finished up in the great city that was adelaide last friday. i truly enjoyed that one. the picture at left is in adelaide at victoria square which is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the city. i ended up seeing kelley stoltz play at the grace emily on thursday night like i had planned... i had a chat with the guy afterwards only to find out he grew up in detroit, his grandparents lived about 2.5 minutes from my house in west bloomfield. real small world. needless to say that was kind of a funny conversation to have...
bring on melbourne!

i arrived at the spencer street bus station on friday evening in the pouring rain. most of the time this would really suck, however, i was quite pleased to have the opportunity to tote my brand new rain jacket that i picked up before the trip.
bryan and i set up an interesting scheme to meet up once we both got in to town, but oddly enough those emails never made it from me to bryan-- which makes the way that we did meet up a stroke of pure luck.
coincidence? probably not.
i was just walking down the street after noticing bryan was late for what i thought was our 7pm meeting time, and i hear my name being shouted from across the way. sure enough, it was bryan across the street and we picked up right where we left off.
we went out in st. kilda that night with a friend we had made that night at the hostel named karim. we really havent been hitting the bars that much so far on the trip, so we made this a big night. needless to say, it was a good one.
i kind of picked things up the next day from where i left them the last time i was in melbourne. i had missed a lof of the museums last time around so my interest was primarily in seeing the national gallery of victoria (ngv) and also the australia center for contemporary art-- both in the city. bryan opted to check out the stanley kubrick exhibit in federation square instead. i was particularly impressed with the contemporary design and sculpture exhibit at the ngv but also a lot of the temporary exhibits they had-- one in particular on the evolution of contemporary design in furniture. now of all things-- the evolution of design in contemporary furniture is not something you catch every day, and as you can imagine there were some pretty far out concepts. i tried to snap a picture of this one couch made of only cardboard and i thought the ngv federales were going to have my head for even attempting such a feat.

baghdatis looked at him and replied in kind of broken english.. "my coach will watch the game tonight, i must go to bed with my girlfriend.."
hahaha i thought it was great. and the jovial aussie crowd couldnt agree any more as they burst in to laughter and applause.
i am sitting here now, having just arrived in sydney fresh off the bus from melbourne. it was an overnight ride, and i didnt get much sleep at all-- but it sure does feel quite nice to be back in the city i once called "home."
Hey Frank Lloyd Wright, take it easy on the architecture binge;) I don’t want you going to anymore museums either okay? I want to here about the drunken mess of a night in Melbourne and so do your parents! (Just kidding Lauri familia!).
I watched both of those matches live, Baghdatis calls Cyprus home (phenomenal place, lived there for a little bit back in the 80’s, you’re not stopping there on your way through Eastern Europe are you??) and he was very deserving of the win. I personally hate Andy Roddick and the rumors out of Australia is that he is now dating MARI A MARIA MARIA!!! Sharapova…which simply put makes me even angrier. Glad you got to tickets, now you can appreciate how great of a sport tennis is!
Bryan got your emails…he was just praying he could avoid you for another 3-4 days;) haha but when he saw the Patagonia dri-fit from across the street he couldn’t help but shout!
Get Nate a Coopers and let him begin to tell you how Australia is after landing just three hours ago;) (Just messing around Nate!)
Love you buddy,
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